The New York State Driver’s Manual is published by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and covers the following topics.

  • Driver Licenses – requirements, examinations, renewals
  • Rules of the Road – signs and signals, pavement markings, traffic officers
  • Passing and Intersections – right-of-way, passing on the left and right, turns
  • Defensive Driving – road rage, speeding, work zones, cell phone
  • Alcohol and Drugs – DUI, chemical tests, consequences
  • Sharing the Road – pedestrians, motorcyclists, large vehicles

Is the Handbook All I Need to Pass the New York Written Test?

How will you know if you are truly ready to pass the official New York State drivers exam? Simple. Start by becoming familiar with the information in the driver’s manual and then test your knowledge by taking a comprehensive practice test here. The practice tests are carefully designed to closely simulate the questions you will face on the real test. Only practice tests can give you the feedback that you will need to ensure that you pass the first time!